Did we get Feminism all wrong

Forget what you read on twitter

Miracle Otugo
3 min readMar 13, 2019
Art by Miracle Otugo

Do Feminist really know what they want? they need to stop saying we are contending for women to be equal to men because I doubt this is what they really want. This might come off to you as anti-feminist or misogynist, trust me it is not.
After several ineffectual convos which has me labeled as a misogynist halfway in conversations that almost won’t end. I’ve decided to steer off conversations with equality or feminism or egalitarianism as topic(s) because everyone seems to mix-up these three because they can be easily watered down to “the belief that women ought to be equal to men in the society.”
Therefore, Feminism and Equality are exactly the same thing.
Are they really the same thing?
I prefer to not answer the question and I’m not going to define feminism too but if you think feminism is women becoming equal to men, I can tell you what it means.

Art by Miracle Otugo

First of all it means men are the ideal goal.
It will mean a lot of positive things but it is not entirely positive.
If men are the Ideal goal it would require that women become terrorist and carry out mass murder. Have you heard of a school shooting and a woman is the culprit?
Is this what feminist really want?

If men are the Ideal goal it would mean female suicide rates should rise and be equal to male suicide rate because that is part of ascertaining equality.

If men are the Ideal goal it would mean women would be on news for more interpersonal dispute and violent crime to match that of men.

If men are the Ideal goal it would mean a lot of women would be in power and should also mean baby boys would be murdered or aborted because no one longs for a man child.
because at some point men in power developed regimes in which baby girls were murdered, I sincerely see equality here.

If men are the Ideal goal it would mean murders of partners and ex-partners caused by women should appreciate by over about 200% so they can match the amount of mayhem(death of female partner and ex- partners) cause by men each year.

If men are the Ideal goal it would also mean women should become the most likely gender to die in knife and gun violence.

If men are the Ideal goal then of course women should begin sexually assaulting and exploiting boys in deprived areas to match ‘you already know’.

Art by Miracle Otugo

The truth is, feminists cannot just assume that what men are in the society is the standard for what they should be contending for. Men are in a state of misery.
Like I stated earlier I’m not going to say what feminism is and what it should be but are you seriously contending to be equal to these miserable males?

